I am on a hat a day diet right now. I have finally taken the time to experiment with the Classic Cap from Knitting from the Top by Barbara G. Walker. I may never cast on at the bottom again! I like the increasing at the top and knitting until it is long enough better than knitting to a certain length and then wondering if the decreases will make the hat functionally long enough. I, along with some other dedicated crocheters and knitters are working to cover the heads of Houston's homeless. Our temps have been low on some recent nights.
My List:
On the hook/needles:
- a pair of socks for the fashionista - I hate it as much as I hated the swatch but she insists,
- Kennita Tully's Garter Stitch Stripes sweater [Interweave Knits Winter 2003], also for the fashionista,
- a double strand, on size 15, afghan for an ICU unit that will go home with a patient [Leisure Arts Little Books #75003],
- TinyTube socks for preemies from WhimsyKnits, because I'm on a hat kick and have had to tink them back a couple of times. They are SO tiny.
- The Scary Legacy Project,
- One more hat for a homeless person.
Off the hook/needles:
- Hatzilla the killer binary cable hat
- a 4"x4" block for the Ravelry founders' father/father-in-law,
- Two more hats for SEARCH.
The pc is once again obedient and subservient. Just don't tell it I said so ;^)