If you know the story of the Three Bears, you can identify with my current dilemma.
And now, on to the endless scarf. Let's face it, there is no graceful segue, is there? The scarf pattern is called Rosy Cables, I've said that before. I am not knitting it in pink because secure as my husband is in his masculinity, pink is just not his color. It doesn't match his kilt! I love the cables, I love the yarn, I love the man I am making it for but I feel it will never end. The scarf is now as long as I am tall - 66" - and is still not long enough to go from front around to front again. My husband has a 18" neck. Somehow that math just doesn't make sense to me. It seems it should be long enough. However, when I try to demonstrate that he could just pull it a smidgen tighter to make it long enough in front he makes strange choking sounds and turns purple. go figure!
On the hook/needles (besides the scarf that will never end):
Garter Stitch Stripes
Feather and Fan Afghan
that sock swatch I still don't like
Off the hook/needles:
A hat I frogged
Off the needles:
Will the list of Off the needles ever be longer than the list of On the needles?? Doubtless : /
Ravings of a knitting, crocheting, spinning, stitching, 40-ish in Texas.
Ravings of a knitting, crocheting, spinning, stitching, 40-ish in Texas.
Wife-ly, Mommy-ly, blogless (no longer), stitch ministry co-ordinator, more charity yarnlings than any other kind.
Why frogalot? Well, because I do - frog a lot, that is.