Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not so much sanity, but the scarf is fabUlous!

Ooh the loveliness of cables and cables and miles of cables. It is done! The scarf fits. The scarf is warm. In a tight fix we can sit really close together and share the scarfy goodness. And now I am primed for Hat Attack as it will involve slaying a target with a cabled hat. As the designer has pegged the pattern 'advanced beginner,' I doubt there will be all the Twist Front and Twist Back business that I learned for the scarf.

The only drawback is that I am now wanting to cast on compulsively. Any naked needle, every yard of stash is luring, calling, cajoling me. I must resist. I have things already in the works and the hat coming up.

I blame this restlessness on the pc that wouldn't be repaired. My power supply arrived and brought some improvement. At least the ON button caused the fan to turn and the hard drive light to flicker. Nothing else, though. So the next step is to replace the motherboard since the power supply may have sent a last jolt surge that caused the board to shut down (read fry). So I'm still on the laptop.

Husband will graduate in a few weeks!! We pray the job made just for him is ready and waiting for his graduation.

Thanks to my one Pay It Forward angel who has signed up so far. I have a lovely gift in mind.

Off to see if I can redirect my compulsive urge toward finishing things instead of starting new and needlessly. At least I've finished one thing other than the scarf! Find Leo the Lion on Lion Brand Yarn's website.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sanity via UPS and the endless scarf

The delivery of a not-so-small piece of my sanity in the form of a new power supply for my pc has just arrived thus lifting my spirits. My 'puter decided it was time for a break just about the time my mind decided it was time for a breakdown. Not a good combination.

If you know the story of the Three Bears, you can identify with my current dilemma.

  1. My daughter's computer chair is too small and her desk is too... let me think of the right term... girly. Yeah, that's it, girly! Pink and purple glitzy bling-bling furry Tink and Webkinz and Barbie - and, well, you get the point. And the chair was an IKEA find that was not made for adults.
  2. My husband's computer chair is too hard - wood, actually - and his desk is where the stressful things like bills reside. His monitor is on the right which is wrong, his keyboard is not ergonomic and he uses a mouse.
  3. The laptop is the one I have depended on for now. However, it has its drawbacks as well. There's the ergonomic thing again and the touch pad I hate, but at least the screen is in front of me where I like it. I must admit I cannot complain about the seating since I am currently on my tush in the bed **wonder if I could somehow work that arrangement in with my pc once it is up and running again?**.

And now, on to the endless scarf. Let's face it, there is no graceful segue, is there? The scarf pattern is called Rosy Cables, I've said that before. I am not knitting it in pink because secure as my husband is in his masculinity, pink is just not his color. It doesn't match his kilt! I love the cables, I love the yarn, I love the man I am making it for but I feel it will never end. The scarf is now as long as I am tall - 66" - and is still not long enough to go from front around to front again. My husband has a 18" neck. Somehow that math just doesn't make sense to me. It seems it should be long enough. However, when I try to demonstrate that he could just pull it a smidgen tighter to make it long enough in front he makes strange choking sounds and turns purple. go figure!

On the hook/needles (besides the scarf that will never end):

Preemie Tube Socks

Garter Stitch Stripes

Feather and Fan Afghan

that sock swatch I still don't like

Off the hook/needles:

A hat I frogged

Friday, January 4, 2008

Stairs for Barbie and Lists

I spent all day yesterday drawing out a set of stairs for Barbie dolls. I used up nearly half a white pencil, every active brain cell I possess (twice), and 1/2 oz of eraser crumbs. Now, risers and treads are drawn out of black foam board along with a wardrobe that fit in the space left over. I spent some time making foam board furniture for dolls a couple of years ago. Each piece included coordinated "upholstery" in purple calico, lace edging, matching pillows - use your imagination and you will realize Barbie has more stylish furnishings than I. The result? 6 naked dolls strewn hither and thither across a bedroom stuffed to the ceiling with a variety of other entertainments. Recently, a dollhouse joined the mix. Not a plastic Barbie mansion. Not a particle board painted and shingled miniature Victorian for which an entire market depends on the sale of furnishings and fixtures. This dollhouse is unique. This one was built by THE GIRL. It is a 30" high 24"x 24" frame constructed of 1/4" plywood, 1x2's and real nails. It was a project which offered bonding between granddaughter and grandfather - and to her it is better than anything Mattel has on the market! Now we are adding a second floor. It will be constructed of foam board and covered with a marble print contact paper. The black stairs will be constructed by mom and dad and decorated (of course the stairs have to be decorated) by THE GIRL. Why? Because naked and occasionally headless Barbies have to have somewhere to hang out together. Coming later, the pool on the roof - that may have to be purchased, we'll see.

My List:
On the needles:

Off the needles:

Will the list of Off the needles ever be longer than the list of On the needles?? Doubtless : /