Sunday, December 2, 2007

Social Knitting vs. Anti-social Knitting

For the purpose of this post, the term knitting may be applied to anything one does with yarn, floss, thread, needle(s), or hook. Lately, for me, it happens to be mostly knitting. I (usually), to the point: today, I executed two of my favorite types of knitting - social and anti-social.

The social knitting cost $5, took place in a local store, and lasted 2 hours. Actual knitting progress: 8 rows of a scarf. In my defense, it is a multi-cabled scarf, but good grief, 4 rows per hour? I have actually been doing this for a while now and I know that I can knit 16 rows of that same scarf during one episode of CSI with husband ffw-ing through the commercials! What happened? Okay, don't answer that question if you know me because you already guessed what happened: my mouth worked faster and more steadily than my needles.

The anti-social knitting cost nothing, took place at a child-centered family gathering at the church, and lasted 2 hours. Actual knitting progress: I didn't keep count, but it was certainly more than 8 rows on the k2p2 hat for the homeless. I took the time at this event to say hellos at the beginning, eat cookies, take photos of the children gift-wrapping our pastors, and sing Christmas carols. Still, I got more knitting done.

Of these two settings, I don't have a favorite. Social knitting is fun because you get to see what others are working on and compare notes and show-off and talk the talk without having to explain that magic loop isn't really magic, just really cool. Anti-social knitting is usually free and takes place during something I'd rather knit than sit inactively through - oh, can you say "waiting room"?
"PTA meeting"? Any kind of kids' practice or rehearsal? So many minutes that could otherwise be mind-numbingly boring become productive. Anti-social knitting also tends to ward off the kinds of folks that would come over and talk my ear off about nothing because they are bored, too. They can see that I am busy and since I, along with a growing number of my enablers, er knitting friends, am addicted to audio books - well, the earphones are a dead giveaway that I am not interested in idle prattle for the sake of filling in the time.

So, many thanks to the crafting friends and acquaintances that like to knit together as a group. I'm just glad we don't serve wine because I would only have gotten 1 row knit and would likely have had to rip it out.

And, to all those I have ignored or puzzled as I knit away, completely oblivious to them and my surroundings, well, what can I say? Maybe you should have brought something to work on, too!

1 comment:

wildflower38 said...

I get more knitting done when I'm in front of the tv. Whenever I go to my knitting group, my knitting is laying in my lap. There have been times when I haven't even taken it out of my bag. lol